We will be teaming up with Christ The King church in Bellingham to lead a team of 20 college students on a 10 day mission the village of Colonia on the island of Roatan. We have been extremely fortunate to obtain the use of a beach side villa called Casa Isabella (roatancasaisabella.com) to house our team. The owners of Casa Isabella (Carlos and Isabella) are wonderful Christians who are making their property available for mission minded efforts supporting the needs of the people of Roatan. It is such a blessing to meet others who have dedicated their lives to God's service and answered HIS call to go forth and spread the gospel unto all nations. Carlos and Isabella are wonderful examples of "good and faithful" servants of The Most High God, and we are blessed to know them.
Our team will be arriving mid March and working with Living Water 4 Roatan, Clinica Eseperanza and the 7th Day Adventist church in Colonia to provide the people with more water filters, helping to install more water lines throughout the village, helping out at the clinic and hosting a weeklong childrens church. We are expecting to provide several hundred children with snacks, games, crafts, bibles and a movie. Other members of our team will be distributing water filters to each of the 500 families in the village and assisting Living Water 4 Roatan with the installation of new water lines, valves etc. The third group will be helping Peggy Stranges who runs Clinica Esperanza (clinicaesperanza.homestead.com) by painting the clinic, helping her with medical supplies inventories and assisting with clerical needs. Here is a picture of the clinic that Peggy started just a few years ago and has now become one of the primary care givers for the local people who cannot afford to go the islands only hospital.
Clinica Esperanza Pat and Peggy in the new birthing ward
We are planning a trip back to Maely's village (Potenciana) early next year as well and will be helping them with their water distribution system and also bringing more shoes and clothing. The last time we went, we didn't have enough shoes to give all 300 inhabitants of the village so we starting handing them out to the eldest citizens first and then worked our way down to the younger groups. We were quickly running out of shoes when I noticed an older women (mid 60's) standing at the back of the crowd unable to get to the front where the shoes were being distributed. I motioned for Pat to go get her and lead her up to the front. By the time they got there, all the shoes had been handed out. The next thing I knew, Pat had given the lady her shoes and was walking around in her bare feet. I hurried back to the room we were staying in nearby and grabbed another pair of shoes out of Pats back pack and brought them to her. A few minutes later, I looked her way and saw she was barefooted again. Fortunately she had one pair of flip/flops left that she wore the rest of the time we were there and on the flight back to Seattle. Here is a video of the woman she gave her last pair of shoes to.
I will make sure that the next time we travel to Potenciana, Pat has at least 6 pairs of shoes! As we finalize more details on the March trip and start to make plans for the May trip, we will post the details on future entries. I'm often encouraged by the story of King Solomon. The bible say that he was the smartest man that ever lived because God blessed him with great wisdom. In spite of that wisdom, it took Solomon a lifetime of chasing satisfaction and fulfillment in partying, sex, power, and wealth before he came to the conclusion in his old age that this was all a "chasing after the wind". He concluded that true peace, and joy only comes from serving Almighty God. I'm encouraged because my wife and I have already figured that out. There is no greater joy that that which comes from being in the center of God's will and serving HIM. What a blessing and a priviledge.
May God lead you and guide you towards the path that HE has prepared for you and may you follow HIS direction that you may accomplish the tasks that HE has prepared you for!
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