Christmas is fast approaching and all too often we get so caught up in worldly preparations for Christmas that we forget the spiritual relevance of this event. Jesus (who created the universe) stepped out of time and into human form on this day we call Christmas. For 33 years he faced all the trials and temptations that we face yet never sinned, and consequently never came under the penalty of sin which is death. However, He chose to suffer an excruciating death upon the cross so that HIS death could atone for the sins of ALL of those who would accept HIS free gift of salvation. I pray that this Christmas you will find the peace that passes all understanding, the joy that cannot be quenched and the love that transcends time by getting to know the God of the Universe that gave HIS life that you might enjoy eternity with HIM.
Over the last few years, I have noticed a growing unity among the true believers in Jesus Christ. God is calling HIS people to come together in one mind and one spirit, to get busy while it is yet day, for the night soon approaches when no man can work. He is calling them to set aside their organizational, doctrinal and political differences and start focusing on spreading the gospel to he ends of the earth. I see charitable organizations that used to compete against each other for donations, starting to work together for the common good of God's people. God is reminding us once again that if we are doing HIS work, HE will provide the means so rather than competing against each other for funding, we should be working together to HIS glory! I believe there is a revival coming that will sweep through the hearts of God's people all over the world and it will drive them to cast aside the cares and concerns of this world and focus on matters of eternal value. I believe time is getting short and that God is not willing that any should endure the trials that lie ahead for those left behind after the rapture. How like our loving God that He seeks to spread HIS message of salvation to the ends of the earth so that every living soul will have the opportunity to be spared the trials of the coming tribulation. The bible tells us that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. How like HIM to give every soul one last chance to kneel before Jesus the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world on this side of eternity, rather than be forced to kneel before Jesus the Righteous Judge on the other side of eternity. The choice is ours to make, but so are the consequences if we choose to reject this gift from God.
As a result of this outpouring of His Holy Spirit, I believe that God will take HIS church out of this world (rapture) with the same outpouring of HIS Holy Spirit which was evident when he brought the church into the world. In Acts we see that once the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples and believers gathered together, they become of one mind and one accord. They become one and as a result they were able to heal the sick, make the blind to see and the lame to walk. They were able to share the gospel in every language and their numbers were increased daily. God IS calling HIS people to get busy and take advantage of what little time is left. When that trumpet blows and God calls His people home, I want to know that I have done all that I can do to tell others about the Love and Joy and Peace that comes from having a personal relationship with the Living God.
God's Spirit is shaking his church and HIS people are leaving the comfort of their pews in ever increasing numbers to answer HIS call to go out and spread the gospel unto all nations. As God's people repent of their sins, humble themselves and submit to God's call and direction, we will begin to see the same miracles that were recorded in the book of Acts. God grant us a love that will drive us to the ends of the earth spreading your word. Give us wisdom that we may discern your will and give us faith that we may be able to move mountains in your name and to your glory.
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